Sunday, March 13, 2011

I;m an asshole.....

No, You are extremely aggravating.... and often unable to see the point. I will admit that often it is hard to see my point. most people gather it. Sarcastic or other wise. You anger me like no other. take that as you wish.... It's frustration that pisses me off. You publicly down grade me without asking and your point is so incredibly out of the ball park its just beyond revocation that it makes me want to put an end to the situation, and thus the separation.

I want to be clear, you have an immense and honest heart and that means the world to me; however, when you choose to attack is always the wrong and in inappropriate times...

You have been ( and I trust) will always been there when and if I need you, and I thank you for that. Perhaps this is miss communication, and if it is I will take fault, but jesus christ I hate it!

It seems as if you totally miss what it is I stand for, as it may seem complex it isn't.

A: love. but contempt for human beings. I.E they could do so much more if they only allowed themselves to be more. Or I wish I had what they had so I could better my life, and if you choose to waist it I'm going to let you know.

B: If those people wont listen fuck em'

C: Pearl Jam is is my best of the world  and I love them, and at the same time feel I have the right to criticize them if I choose. Shit! I helped to make them rich.

D: No Matter who you put in office they will fuck shit up MINUS RON PAUL!!!!!!!!!!!!

E: I do not think I'm better than any one... Minus the fact that I educate myself in an objective manner. No one does that anymore....

I AGAIN am not always right, but you take the opposite view regardless of the view when you are often objectively totally oblivious to the actual situation.

This situation often reminds me of people whom build boxes for themselves, you just fucking piss me off way to much to be worth you putting yourself on my threads.

Not that I am better than you putting yourself on my threads rather than I wont delete them and they are often missing the point, or so far fucking off I care not to have them. I too am like this in many cases and accept my inadequacy to certain people. It's all fucking apples to oranges, and if you care to argue the fact I call it kilometers and you want to call it miles is fine to me. However, if it is a fine and minute detail such as this that you want to piss and moan about please do it within your own mind. Please, do not bring it to my attention. The feeble shit you often bring to my attention is not needed, for, I have brought it to my own attention, and need not address it. I'm not smarter than you... just more practical.