Wednesday, January 25, 2012

On my mind

What’s on my mind? I’m glad you asked, because there is a great deal on my mind. Hindi just might kick my ass, but I am picking it up quickly. The fact that I was singed up for the wrong class, and so many other things that I am feeling over whelmed. I have stayed in the last few days more due to logistics than anything else, and sometimes I just don’t feel like venturing out all that much. There are still so many walls have built, and it’s only out of fear that I keep them out. The best part about it is that I have nothing to fear hear but me.
            The one thing I’m gathering out of all of this is confidence in myself. I doubt myself usually, and sometimes I don’t think I’m the greatest guy in the world. However, I do know I have at least been honest as I could to myself the whole time. The only time I discover lies that I made to myself is when I induce hind sight, and that means that between the lie and time I have learned, and what is wrong with that? Nothing I’d say.
            The biggest thing I am beginning to see is the impatiens that I have for change. I want life to change before my eyes. I want the rest of Americans to stop embracing war, and begin to have compassion and understating. I then begin to realize that I’m pushing much too hard for immediate change. A change like that can only come over time. The change toward compassion will happen!
            I can hear you neigh sayers now that it is impossible, but I ask you too look at how far we have come. The idea of equality has only been around for just in the last forty years in America. So, we are still squabbling over gay marriage, women’s equal pay, and scant racism. The powers that be are losing their grip, and as you can see within the legislation they are attempting you can see this is unsettling them. Yet look at how it’s been stopped.
            The one thing as a current human you can do is lay foundation for a better and brighter tomorrow. This isn’t going to take tomorrow. I have seen in the OWS movement a sense of failure all ready. Look at the change it caused! While it was an opposing push for legislation slightly against the movement it was still an acknowledgement of it’s presence. We are the generation to push the change.  
            Yet the change may not occur in our life times. One must understand that there is a much bigger picture in all of this. It involves the world, and we are taking it down oppression and limitations to humanity one brick at a time, and in doing so we will be teaching our children how to do this as well. There is no stopping the falling of a wall once it starts. To put a time limit or some sort of expectations on how fast a wall will come down is absurd.
            I know there is a great of work that needs to be done, but anything worthwhile takes time does it not? You have taken your whole life to become who you are, and was it worth it? The answer should be yes, for you are the only and best you that now reside on this Earth. Yes, even your flaws are a part of what make you you.
            The waves of change are picking up speed, and that is a good thing, but an idea of patients needs to go along with the momentum of righteous deeds and thoughts. With compassion comes patients, and I think that really we should all stay the course and put patients before compassion this time. For it is going to take a basket load.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Jaosn "Gumby" finds India: Last Three Days

Jaosn "Gumby" finds India: Last Three Days: Have you ever been to the fair? Dirt roads, paved roads, paved roads with lots of dirt, while navigating around those she...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Jaosn "Gumby" finds India: And so it begins.

Jaosn "Gumby" finds India: And so it begins.: At the airports (all of them) I was nervous. Overly nervous would be putting it lightly. I’m not too sure as to why thoug...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Jaosn "Gumby" finds India: T-minus 8 days and counting.

Jaosn "Gumby" finds India: T-minus 8 days and counting.: There were a few suggestions that I should post while I prance around India looking for things I can't find here, and furthermore keep those...