Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hello again

I’m breaking the silence today. It’s the first time in a very long time I have felt the need to be in any way out pouring of any ideas or thoughts that regularly cross my mind. If you wondered in any way about what I’m doing with my life at the current moment, all I can honestly say is that I’ve been surviving. That is all I do, and it isn’t Much I’m simply marching through each day with the hope that each day is going to be better than the last, but at some point, I think because of fear, we as humans feel we peak out. We reach the top to where we as individuals can never get any better. At this point in my life I have done a great deal of things, and I feel that things are getting better. Furthermore the need to do things that I haven’t before is coming to an end. I no longer feel the need to consume experience, or rather I’d like to now rest with the experience and see where I have come out at the end. I need to take a break. However, there are things that have recently not settled well with me, they started in the mystic lands of India.
As you may or may not know I have a staunch stance against religion. The beginnings of my unease began very early if I remember right, and even my mother might be able to point out instances where questions began to emerge that weren’t normal. I have never taken things as is, or simply because I was told to. The reasons given to any occurrence in life had to mean something to me. After officially leaving my faith about God being a person that can consulted, effected, understood, or conversed with I dabbled and read nearly anything that claimed that it had some deeper meaning, or the claim that it had a stake in the truth. Now that I have systematically gone through most of the world’s belief systems I can only see the irrevocable flaws in each, and how these flaws seem to reverberate through out each and every one of them. It then only brings to mind that these flaws are without a doubt human in nature, can explained by looking at it with an anthropological lens, and lastly as if we aren’t anything special, but animals that are lucky to posses a high level of brain functioning.
The first thing that has to be acknowledged is the need to survive. In the case of plants, an oak tree will devastate every living thing that lives under it literally stealing nutrients and choking the plants below to death. Much like a tribe would do if the resources to their survival were threatened. If there were a smaller weaker tribe, the larger stronger tribe would wipe them out and take their needs. If you don’t think this is the case look up Africa. People slaughter people in the name of God, and the name of God is often survival.
Take WWII as an example. The German’s only wanted to survive, and look at the very ugly place that it took them. There is a whole slew of things that could be said about that situation, but for now we are going to just put in your mind that one group of people who out number another group of people, fear them, and loath them will destroy them given the opportunity to.
I feel that lumping it into generalities, as I can here, for better or worse this explains nearly every war waged, whether God’s name was used or not. However, this is where things get very interesting. In order to live in a social group one must adhere to the laws that govern that society. Atrocities really begin within a social group. There are certain players that don’t play along with the rules. Sometime in the fifties the powers that be pushed forth the ideal that to be a good American was to be Christian.  Now that a social group has been used to tie religion and the status of citizenship, the result is that now that your local tribe has been threatened the entire country is also threatened.
In EVERY religion, with no exception I have found, is the idea one should mind your own damned business. Regardless of what another tribe is doing, one should keep to their own, and not try and force the ideas, concepts, ways of life, religious rituals, or the social structure upon another. To further this point I think it is safe to say that every sage understood that this is where strife arises. Is this not the definition of oppression? The imposing of outside and foreign stipulations to someone outside of the tribe is right now taking place in our country.
This is what scares me about the human race, and it’s marriage to religion.  I don’t think it would take much to shoot us straight back to WWII or the witch hunts in Massachusetts. While religion speaks clearly on minding one’s own business and inclusion, the hate and what I prefer to as dark humanity overrides it all.
A married couple having marital issues in the next house, the Wal-Mart isle, or at a restaurant when does this affect your marriage? So, how does a man kissing a man affect your relationship? Him simply being not in your tribe of liking girls, does not make him evil.
Christ spoke about this. I think he put it very nicely. The man outside of your tribe, who treats you as if he is in your tribe, is in your tribe.  

And I'm out of steam....

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