Monday, July 25, 2011

Metaphysics Vs. Material

This situation (Metaphysics Vs. Material) is something that is troublesome to say the least. We as humans often race to find a way to express opinions, emotions, status rank, and all sorts of mind generated phenomenon in an outward fashion. Let's examine one that is most common in our American culture: The Engagement ring. The symbolism that this ring can parade are next to endless. However, there are two themes that can be clearly gleaned from such an object. The first being love. This emotion is one that is most sought after (at least to the level of acceptance from other human beings) feeling, for it contains so many other emotions. So, we have a ring that SYMBOLIZES something that cannot be grasped, or held on to. The transfer of a metaphysical emotion into or on to a physical object is illogical in that the object does not contain anything other than a projection of said emotions. Here comes the perceived idea that this object equals love. Moreover, the bigger the ring the bigger the love. The more financial ability your significant other has the more he loves you. In reality this is just a primate show of financial status. It's the whole Alpha male status arrangement. This again is point to the perception and dominant roles of human beings.  What is being suggested is that while an object or concept can represent an emotion or status, it is not that emotion. For, the emotion is a metaphysical issue. The next issue of the ring is the everlasting concept the the ring exhibits, not only of the love the it represents, but of the relationship between the exchanger and the receiver. The inevitability of change is within any perimeter is unavoidable. To put forth that the ring somehow shows the world that the love is real, and that the love is everlasting is an erroneous assumption. This display is found in many forms large houses, fast cars, or anything that is anything that represents something of status. The point being that keeping up with the Jones' is a rat race on a hamster wheel. A never ending pointless race that only goes in circles. The issue could end with the simple idea that, because you want it means that it is simply okay to proceed with the race. Again this is all perception. It is the perception that something means something that it does not. Its pure Metaphysical transference, that has no bearing on life at all.  It is perhaps the trap of marriage that some have found themselves in, (some people get lucky) the idea that someone of high stature and good looks wants them to be around equates that they themselves have this stature, and in some cases significant others raise the other to such a level of perfectness, that no one on either side can reach the expectations of the other, and thus neglect each others needs, and there own needs as well. It is imperative in order to live free is to break the cycle of what things mean (Metaphysical Transference), what one should be doing, and where one should be and have in life.  Perhaps it is abundance we seek more than anything, however, what use is abundance? The argument can be made that it could be made to serve others, however, the only thing abundance serves is oneself, and to what ever means the self would like to use the abundance. It needs to be made clear that the abundance is a Metaphysical Transference. One is taking what the abundance means to the world in monkey terms, and attempting to outwardly show the world one's worth, when one's worth is only found inside. Stop trying to manifest outside sources for one's own value and happiness. When acceptance and trust in the nature of things is all one needs. Everything else is a misinterpreted attempt to ward off death, and meaninglessness. When in all reality there is no meaninglessness to any event, for every event is significant to you and your experience, and your experience is all that you can truly own. So, remember  the old adage.... you get what you pay for. And don't forget you pay the price for what you want.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

poem... The Hermit


I stand on my cliff.
Watching the valley below.
My staff in my left hand.
The lamp in my rigth.

Long ago I left them.
Their turmoil they can own alone.
I had enough.
So now I watch the valley below.

My cloack worn and tatered.
Dust it has collected.
Still it keeps me warm.
So now I watch the valley below.

Surrvival is all they have.
Surrvival is all i need.
They need more.
So now i watch the valley below.

Once they came to me for answers.
Answers they could answer themselves.
I could no longer be the mirror.
So now i watch the valley below.

My past took me no where.
Their future built a city.
Who was the fool?
So now i watch the valley below.

Wander endlessly at night.
Thinking of everything yet nothing.
Finding myself.
So now a watch the valley below.

Do they see my light?
Do they rememeber?
I do not care.
So now i watch the valley below.

I hold no powers.
Just observer.
Observe the pointlessness of me.
So now i watch the valley below.

A scream is just as good.
A whispper is just as good.
To ears unhearing.
So now i watch the valley below.

Peanutbutter and Jelly

So today I stepped back
back in time
saw how it all started
Understood what all the fuss
was for
I was young again
it was all so fresh
but then then
I started waiting
waitning on them
and so they moved about
and seemingly would not play
not near me
and so i waited
and each day got just a bit older
just a bit slower
all in a days work with waiting
how are you what can I get for you
waiting getting older
the cigarette burnt my fingers
forgot that i was smoking
unaware that I was waiting
no we don't have that right now....
waiting and what for
for the excitement
for the day to hear the words
the words I've longed to hear
as black washes over me
maybe it will rain today
clean the other servers sleeve
but not today
so i'll keep waiting
keep waiting on them
each day more anger
more ignorance
the true quesion
who is more ignorant
me or them
as I wait
move about quickly
server their needs
they move on
still I stay and wait
wait with no breaks
or hope of ever starting
something new
Good things few and far between
but I can count 142 good things
since it started with the first ten
and hear i wait
wait on them
to come close
and closer yet
but there they stay
some where near a sunny ocean
never knowing who I am
just a face in the crowd
and so I wait
because one day
they may see me as more
and just not their server
not the man that brings the food
hands the coffee
but the man to sit with
and discus
why... why was it i did all this waiting...

Going off the deep end....

Here I go....
I'm going off the deep end...
I am going....
I am there...
The deep end...
Or is this deep end me cleaning...
I feel better knowing the truth....
End it now end it later...
It' it is all the same...
You lied either way...
Can't be on two sides...
THere is a middle...
and it's a deep end...
So I can't sleep...
I'm sure she is fine in his arms...
Sleeping warmly...
And here this place I know it...
It isn't so deep...
It's as shallow as the skin...
THe skin that holds the blood in my wrist...
And there is goes...
Onto the floor...
to collect...
and finally...
Finally I see the inside of you...
Of me...
On the floor...
There i am...
That maroon is me...
Yet, I stay in side...
I am not without/within...
I am nothing...
Nothing collecting on the floor...
I am Tired...
I begin to drift...

Boats: Dec 19 2007

Life? What is it really like? Well, let me give you an example. I'm going to assume that most of you know how black jack in a casino is played. So let imagine for a second that there you are born and you pop out. Then given to you is a set of chips. Now see, this where life varies for some of us. See some of us have a whole bunch of chips and some of is have very little chips.

Now the rules of life are kinda like that game there you can get up and go to other tables. Or you can stay at the one you start on. See moving around let's us see what's going on, and see the other games. Learn a little. Lose alot. I call those the risky players. Because they step outside the box. Leave home in search for other landings. Never really content with what they have. That could be good and bad. Generally though they do often know what they want.

Then you have those who never leave the table. Only learning from what ever dealer is there. at the time. Of course you will learn just as much as the risky players. However, the riskies often learn much faster.

You see though; the riskies never have many chips. they are always just about out. Willing to put everything on the pass line because they know a seven is coming up. And it does after the point is made.... damn it. It did come up. So the riskies head back to where they started.

Then there is the amount of chips you start with this all varies. Some have a shit ton, and they can move on faster and have more to lose. While, the riskies have very little the end up learning much faster as to how not to lose it all, and have fun doing it.

No one wants to be the bum out side of the place. No one wants to lose it all. Or even place all the money on a bet. Even though it might be the best bet ever might bring in a ton of money. It's just not worth it. See this is me now I'm willing to make that bet. But if you sit at any table long enough you learn patterns... and have been to so many tables i see the patterns way before a squatter would. I can sniff out those bastards like morning bacon on a camp fire. So if you are content on stay ing there at the one table just to be safe and play as long as you can; so be it. I on the other hand am willing to be the bum out side because at least I gave it my best shot...........

Some Art

And do, she danced. On a dust carpeted hardwood floor. the prints remain.


The prints remain... sounds good; to return to it, as a refrain.


But just then. The twirls, and swirls, and hearts all around, that lay silently on the dust ridden floor, beg to forever be acknowledged. And so, they are.


Those cries are silenced. Not only of the proof, still etched on the floor, but her tears as well. For her dance twas not happy. Nor would be her life.


She still stands in the hall way. Marveling at what she has done. For she has, ruined the peace that stood on the floor. There is, nor ever will there be: a return.


The wor(l)dless meaning held here in; the long forgotten ballroom, and the hall the leads to reality. All this stemming from markings of useless dust.


Under neath the dress of compilation dust, lies the truth of the floor. The interlocking pieces of coded years. The stretches of monsoon to drought collected into meaningless shapes.


The floor is not the dust it collects. Nor is it the markings of past dances or tears. It tis that of which it is made of. Meaningless notches of storms (or the lack there of) long forgotten.


So she in now collected and spent. Her mind blank as the day she was earthed. She came to buy something. Maybe it was just her self... or was it just the dust?

Monday, July 18, 2011

After time

  In my lifetime a few things have ended. I've seen the end of the Berlin wall, the Space Shuttle, the U.S.S.R. , and several written series that span the Dark Tower to The Harry Potter stories. This only makes me look at how long it took us to get to these ends, and further reminds me that it was never about the resolution to the conflicts, but the conflicts themselves.  
   Recently someone told me I was "lucky" to be doing what I am doing, and that it seems that things are running smoothly and falling into place. I would argue that it isn't luck, in fact, I would assert that it was diligence that brought me here. Pure diligence. There were two factors that brought about this good fortune. The first would be that I never gave up. Deep down I believed that I was worth something. The majority of my struggles were in direct result of me not finding people whom believed in me too.  However, for whatever reason I continued on. FORGED on. Making my own path, and the further on this path I traveled the easier I find it to be traversed. I'm doing things, albeit small things, that no one has done before, NO ONE. That is because I have created my own path, and against all odds, and all the nay sayers I'm making it. This is my path, and since I follow no one, this is my path. Not only can I be excited about the adventures that about to actuate, I can be a proud monkey. Personally I see no reason to be humble about these opportunities. I worked hard for them, and I have suffered dearly. At times I felt guilty for not becoming something sooner, but waiting and planning and not giving in to giving up. I have reached a pinnacle point in my life. It is a point in my life when all things go well, and even the things that aren't pleasant in order provide nothing but wonderful blessings, to the point where my cup doth runneth o'er.
   The second is that I believed in me. Oh, don't get me wrong. I questioned myself, doubted myself, and moreover hated myself. At times I felt as if I was nothing, and proverbially unloved. However, I did keep going. It was deep locked without a key, but I did believe in me. Not until I was given the space to discover that I did love me was I able to finally hone in on the fact that I did. If you too doubt yourself, reach down, for it is there, and I know you can find it yourself.