Saturday, July 23, 2011

Going off the deep end....

Here I go....
I'm going off the deep end...
I am going....
I am there...
The deep end...
Or is this deep end me cleaning...
I feel better knowing the truth....
End it now end it later...
It' it is all the same...
You lied either way...
Can't be on two sides...
THere is a middle...
and it's a deep end...
So I can't sleep...
I'm sure she is fine in his arms...
Sleeping warmly...
And here this place I know it...
It isn't so deep...
It's as shallow as the skin...
THe skin that holds the blood in my wrist...
And there is goes...
Onto the floor...
to collect...
and finally...
Finally I see the inside of you...
Of me...
On the floor...
There i am...
That maroon is me...
Yet, I stay in side...
I am not without/within...
I am nothing...
Nothing collecting on the floor...
I am Tired...
I begin to drift...

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