Monday, July 18, 2011

After time

  In my lifetime a few things have ended. I've seen the end of the Berlin wall, the Space Shuttle, the U.S.S.R. , and several written series that span the Dark Tower to The Harry Potter stories. This only makes me look at how long it took us to get to these ends, and further reminds me that it was never about the resolution to the conflicts, but the conflicts themselves.  
   Recently someone told me I was "lucky" to be doing what I am doing, and that it seems that things are running smoothly and falling into place. I would argue that it isn't luck, in fact, I would assert that it was diligence that brought me here. Pure diligence. There were two factors that brought about this good fortune. The first would be that I never gave up. Deep down I believed that I was worth something. The majority of my struggles were in direct result of me not finding people whom believed in me too.  However, for whatever reason I continued on. FORGED on. Making my own path, and the further on this path I traveled the easier I find it to be traversed. I'm doing things, albeit small things, that no one has done before, NO ONE. That is because I have created my own path, and against all odds, and all the nay sayers I'm making it. This is my path, and since I follow no one, this is my path. Not only can I be excited about the adventures that about to actuate, I can be a proud monkey. Personally I see no reason to be humble about these opportunities. I worked hard for them, and I have suffered dearly. At times I felt guilty for not becoming something sooner, but waiting and planning and not giving in to giving up. I have reached a pinnacle point in my life. It is a point in my life when all things go well, and even the things that aren't pleasant in order provide nothing but wonderful blessings, to the point where my cup doth runneth o'er.
   The second is that I believed in me. Oh, don't get me wrong. I questioned myself, doubted myself, and moreover hated myself. At times I felt as if I was nothing, and proverbially unloved. However, I did keep going. It was deep locked without a key, but I did believe in me. Not until I was given the space to discover that I did love me was I able to finally hone in on the fact that I did. If you too doubt yourself, reach down, for it is there, and I know you can find it yourself.

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