Saturday, July 23, 2011

Peanutbutter and Jelly

So today I stepped back
back in time
saw how it all started
Understood what all the fuss
was for
I was young again
it was all so fresh
but then then
I started waiting
waitning on them
and so they moved about
and seemingly would not play
not near me
and so i waited
and each day got just a bit older
just a bit slower
all in a days work with waiting
how are you what can I get for you
waiting getting older
the cigarette burnt my fingers
forgot that i was smoking
unaware that I was waiting
no we don't have that right now....
waiting and what for
for the excitement
for the day to hear the words
the words I've longed to hear
as black washes over me
maybe it will rain today
clean the other servers sleeve
but not today
so i'll keep waiting
keep waiting on them
each day more anger
more ignorance
the true quesion
who is more ignorant
me or them
as I wait
move about quickly
server their needs
they move on
still I stay and wait
wait with no breaks
or hope of ever starting
something new
Good things few and far between
but I can count 142 good things
since it started with the first ten
and hear i wait
wait on them
to come close
and closer yet
but there they stay
some where near a sunny ocean
never knowing who I am
just a face in the crowd
and so I wait
because one day
they may see me as more
and just not their server
not the man that brings the food
hands the coffee
but the man to sit with
and discus
why... why was it i did all this waiting...

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