Friday, February 25, 2011

Anger 3 years ago... still feel the same...

Why is that? That i hate people. Nine times out of five. I can't tell what you are gonna do. Not because I'm psychic, I have amazing powers of observation.

So there are these people I know. A friend and I sat and talked about these people. We surmised as to what these people would be doing in the next few days. Low and fucking behold there they were not a half hour later.

Now I'm really pissed. Why am I pissed same reason Jesi and Sarah pissed me off they did just as I knew they would. No suprizes, It's as if I script what they are doing. Fuck I can tell you what you are doing while you are doing it!!! How is this. I'm guessing it's because I deal with enough shitty people often enough to call you out... Shit you don't like getting called out.

Just fucking once I would like some one to fucking prove me Goddamn wrong... fucking way wrong. About what they are going to do or why they did what they did. Is it confusion on their part or is it I that is the shit that lies so nicely placed on the floor.

Am i the lonely one built there by my own device? Or is it that you are a piece of fucking shit.... Only because I know what you will be doing before you do it? IS IT YOU COULD BE THAT FUCKING STUPID? What is it? Who is it? Is this the same road that I have been walking down again and again. Nothing changing... I need out of this place... You fucking shit heads fucking christ no better than the dirt that I walk on!!!!

At the same time you are better than me. You know God, You have money, You have an education, and I might add that that education you have has done you no more than the toilet paper that I wipe my ass with you cunt.

Of course you probably can't figure out why I'm mad at you... And that would because well you are stupid. And so is your boy friend. Not smart, not smart at all. I want to say it appears I have something you haven't got. Why else would you cling like a terrible sticky shit. Fifty seven wipes and you are still there waiting... waiting for me to give in and let you stick around, and chafe my ass.

I haven't got what you need. I can't share it. I wont share it. It is something you learn and if you haven't found it by 20 you wont find it till you are too old to do a damn thing about it. Sorry, fucktard.

I'm a pretentious asshole and so be it as I see it. I'm not better than you different than you. And that is okay I stand here on my grass which is green, and you're somewhat greener grass and crowded masses can have you yard. I'll keep my free open range. Because you will never be free of your box. Nor will I ever free my self from your boxes shadow.... Forever, will I be locked into a tug of war with the masses with the predictable... the unimaginative...

It's okay buy a fucking jeep.... you'll instantly be the outdoors type. Buy a fucking beetle... Be a fucking hippie... what years is that car... bet they don't even know... but hey I'm a hippie, I have the dress the tie die shirt to go with it... I am punk I have the ramones on my t-shirt... Fuck you do you even know you? Could you pick your self out of the line up? Why... Why... Why ...

Fuck off........

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