Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Taking a break

I'm telling you writing about Islam is boring today. I have had to pull out my ol' friend Stella to help me out. It's an old trick I learned at Naropa.... if you can't write, drink... you'll write. The sad part about that is that I don't get any worse of a grade. You'd think the grades would tank. BUT NO! They stayed the same hahahaha. Any way looking over some of my old poems I'm not so sure I'll be posting most of them. A lot of them written from 98 to 2000 are nasty dark shadows of was to come to be. It's interesting to know I felt that way years ago and still feel like it. In some ways I don't think I have changed much, I have experienced a great deal, but change? I think I'm just darker, colder, and down right hateful....

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