Friday, February 25, 2011


I can't spell. So, that means the really big words I know how to sling; remain holstered.

The real trick is to find yourself seeing patterns. Then stop from seeing those patterns, because in all reality there are no patterns but the patterns themselves. Thus creating patterns that are only patterns reflecting the very patterns that make up themselves. Senseless and pointless, yet everything that is.

Since you are a pattern you to are part of this and can make anything a pattern you want. So by stop seeing the patterns you actually start making new ones. The best part of this being you haven't seen anything like it before.

Happiness is what you were created for. Set down the longing. set down the heart ache, grab your happiness satchel, putt out your thumb, and hitch hike the rest of your existence with your happiness only.

Even if god isn't real.... people who believe make it very real.

Every moment is eternity.... (thank you Marry Beth) the only reason you have another is that eternity is forever. There for you must experience another moment of eternity. This is one of those patterns I spoke of.

You are alone, yet totally encompassed by all. For there is no separation of one thing to another. we are all just vibrations. Just think in the sixties they thought the gurus were crazy..... turns out they've been right for oh... about 4,000 years that we know of.

Just in the sake of argument. If the religion that you practice... if you think that it hasn't gotten better in the hate department in over 2000 years. maybe you should research one that didn't start on some tangent of adultery. Look for the one with some guy under a tree thinking.... not some dude screwing two different chicks in the desert, huh?

In turn they both a bare a child... these children give birth to children that still claim they are "gods" children. What they can't see is that they both are.....

Is Nothing scary? Do you think the atoms in your car think that you own them, or are they vibrating as if you do not exist?

Here is one... does your dog think you own it, Or does it think it owns you?

So, really, what do you own?

Even your body... not yours... a vessel maybe, but it will disintegrate. Formed billions of years ago from a super nova. Do you think the calcium in your bones says i belong to Jason Lepp, or does it just say hey I act like calcium?

Oh your mind own that do you? watch a thought. I need to pee. who thought that if you were watching? were did that come from? can you observe the observer?

my points are scattered... thus they be that.... when shall I feel what i feel?

1 comment:

  1. Intriguing...I think I understand where you're coming from regarding patterns. As a species we are pattern seeking. I believe it's ingrained within us. It's helped us in the past to determine the outline of the predator in the grass, and urges us to run. Now it serves us in the negative. We run because we don't understand or don't want to. The trick is to NOT give into what we think we see. Even though, we ARE inevitably surrounded by patterns.

    I appreciate the guy under the tree. He's given me a viewpoint I might not have considered. I agree with most of what he spoke, just wondering...He figured something out that as beings we're all entitled to. That's where he ceases being a person and becomes a general ideal that we might all be reaching for? I don't know, but I think maybe the ideals were around before him.

    "Is Nothing scary? Do you think the atoms in your car think that you own them, or are they vibrating as if you do not exist?"

    Hmmm...I really like this. I wish I knew. I would like to think that nothing is scary. Took me awhile just to get past the concept of death and that I may pass with it. THAT was scary. Once I got past that the idea of vibrating atoms made sense.

    Not sure if I have made any sense here. Thank you for stretching my head. -RP
