Thursday, February 17, 2011

Where did they all go?

As I sit pondering nothing, but the pondering of nothing, I see that must people don't need to leave the house to discover what others are doing, and I find myself looking over the party invitations over any of the social sites, and thinking to myself that I don't need to go to "Be There" I can just peruse the party pictures afterward, get drunk at home keep my cleanliness, and keep my licenses. I guess in some aspects I don't to go out much anymore. I'm finding it a colossal waste of time. There is no conversation you are going to find yourself in, because the only time people gather these days is to forget there names, and these people aren't interested in a Islamic eschatology. However, I'm not meeting anyone new! See the conundrum one finds themselves in? I think I'm getting old, but I have more in common with those whom are my younger 10 plus years. I have this Peter Pan thing going on. However, the best part is I still have options, and these options are even better than the ones I had ten years ago! It just keeps getting better. One must question is it commitment that scares me. I will admit that it may play a small part in it, however, I'm aware of the fact I enjoy moving about quite regularly, and that I'm probably not going to stop anytime soon. It's just me, man, I love to move about. Consequently living my life in this fashion I have found happiness, and I'll be damned if it isn't what I've been looking for all this time. It might sound cliche' but I must also say it isn't something that is outside of you! This doesn't mean I'm going to quit looking, or trying, it just means that with the times I have to adjust what I'm doing, and or how I'm performing the rituals of the times. This means polluting the internet with my messes and ideas... spreading my ideas!

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